Dispositivos Inteligentes para Propietarios de Apartamentos

Automatice todo el proceso del alquiler, desde la reserva, pago, chekin y cheout gracias a nuestras manillas inteligentes para la gestión de apartamentos turísticos.


Nuestras cerraduras electrónicas permiten la apertura con su Smartphone utilizando la APP Mondise Lock, Código Numérico, Tarjeta M1 y Huella Dactilar.

APP Gratis

Gestione todos los dispositivos desde la misma aplicación, sin cuotas mensuales.

Sin Perdida de Llaves

Olvídese de realizar copias y ahorre tiempo sin la necesidad de entrega y recogida de llaves.

Control de Registros

Seguimiento de los horarios de entrada y salida de inquilinos o personal de limpieza.


Streamline your workflows with intelligent features that anticipate your needs and simplify tasks.

Data-Driven Insights

Gain actionable insights with tools that analyze your data for informed decision-making, no AI hype needed.

Efficient Collaboration

Foster a collaborative environment where technology enhances human ingenuity, making teamwork more effective and intuitive.

See SimpliCloud
in Action!

SimpliCloud’s drag-and-drop interface is designed to make complex tasks simple. Arrange your workflow with ease, enabling quick adjustments and streamlined project management without the need for technical expertise.

Book a Free, Personalized Demo

Discover how SimpliCloud can transform your business with a one-on-one demo with one of our team members tailored to your needs.